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Property Data

Match addresses to high quality property attributes to speed up quotations and enhance pricing and underwriting.

Do you need to speed up quotations by asking fewer questions?

Our award winning intelligence service helps insurers and price comparison websites pre-fill quotation forms for faster quotations and better conversion rates. Our property data combines high quality data from listings, surveys and government sources with our own unique algorithm for filling the gaps.

Do you understand the characteristics of the buildings you insure?

Our high quality property data helps insurers enrich policies and quotations with additional information to enrich the underwriter’s view of risk. Information such as age, floor area, floor level, construction type and roof shape can be used to identify non-standard risks and reduce claims.

Do you combine multiple data points for advanced underwriting?

Addresscloud holds a range of perils data as well as property attributes which can be combined to create powerful rules to gain competitive advantage. Understanding floor level combined with flood score allows insurers to take a three dimensional view of flood risk for example.

Delivering insurance innovation

Addresscloud services are trusted by the world’s top insurers

What our clients say

"Addresscloud, as a recognised leader in UK address matching and property intelligence, is perfectly placed to deliver a new improved service for our users, along with operational and cost efficiencies for the Flood Re business."


Flood Re

"There’s a lot of questions asked in Home insurance quotes and some of them can be pretty tricky, the Addresscloud data and services really help us deliver a better service for our customers."

Head of Home Insurance Product

Compare the Market

"Addresscloud’s API approach for delivering data means our customers can benefit from more accurate pricing."



"Addresscloud has been able to deliver highly accurate address and perils data that has allowed us to set the benchmark for our industry in taking a true data science approach to underwriting."

Head of Underwriting

Eaton Gate

Addresscloud in Action

Property Data Solutions

Speed up quotation times by asking fewer questions

Our award winning intelligence service helps insurers and price comparison websites pre-fill quotation forms for faster quotations and better conversion rates.

  1. Intelligence delivers sub-second performance for complex geospatial queries by pre-processing scores for every address.
  2. We only use high quality data from market leading partners and government sources for high quality insight that you can trust.
  3. Built on the latest serverless cloud technology, Intelligence processes over 80 million transactions a month with 99.99% uptime.

Addresscloud in Action

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